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Top 5 Countries-The Songai Post

ETE has many great countries with amazing people, but which one is really the best? Here at The Songai Post, we picked our favorites. Here are the contestants:


Demolibia is an amazing country for many reasons. It is led by two brothers, Geebr and One. It has dark oak forests, massive caves, and oh so many cats! It is powered by harvesting the energy from wild charged creepers, which keeps the country safe. Also, it cares for the stray cats it saved. It truly is an amazing and beautiful country, but does it have enough to win? Keep reading to find out!


It is hard to grasp the beauty of U.R.R. It is strong in the fact that it has some of the best natural wonders in the world. From the Mogaland Forest to Hunter Peak, it truly is spectacular. The natural beauties aren't all. There are also man-made wonders as well. Any trip to U.R.R. requires a visit to places such as Songai Palace, Rae Headquarters, or Robert Bridge. Do you think The United Republic of Rageria has what it takes to win? You'll just have to wait and see.


Ebania is the largest country in ETE, and if you count its dependant territories, it's even larger. Sadly, we weren't able to find a good picture of it, but that doesn't take away from how good this country is. It is the only country to win the International Nations' Union (INU) best country award five times in a row! If it could get that, surely it could win this.


Again, an image of the country itself has disappeared from our database. However, we all know Rae. Rae is the leader of this country, and Winter Wolves Times even says "She's pretty awesome."

She helped save ETE in the World War, helped build Rae HQ and Songai Palace, and even helped with the Ragerian Green Cross Corporation (RGCC). However, then it was known as the Ravager Republic Green Cross Corporation (RRGCC). When we heard that Rae was founding a country, we knew immediately it would be on this list. Does Rae's Enders have what it takes? You'll find out very soon.


Wow, I see a recurring theme in this post, we can never find the correct image, so please accept this cute fox instead. Believe it or not, this image does have something related to W.W., It has snow. W.W. is actually an ice sheet. It originally broke away from R.R., but then helped them take down Redcat in The Redcat Revolution, The Disputed War, and the ending of the World War. It once had the largest population of all the countries but has since fallen into second place. Can Winter Wolves take home the prize? Let's find out. . . now!

5th Place

In 5th place we have. . . EBANIA! Even though Ebania didn't win, it's still good to be in the top five. Way to go Ebania!

4th Place

Our fourth-place winner is U.R.R.! U.R.R. truly deserved to be on this list.

3rd Place

W.W. came in third! W.W., you belong on this list.

2nd Place

Our second-place winner is Rae's Enders. That only leaves one option for first.

The crowned champion in first place is. . .


Demolibia, you are the greatest country.

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