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  • Foto del escritorKass472

Midtown's New Clocktower-The Songai Post

In March of 2021, the first house was built in Songai. Soon, two more would emerge, forming the then called "Castle Town". At first, these three homes housed the beetroot, wheat, and carrot and potato farmers. However, now they have been modernized into a pharmacy, fish store, and museum. Two of the three had their exteriors redone, while the third, the historic carrot and potato farm, was kept to make a museum. As the town spread out and became more popular, it soon gave way to it's first highrise. This one was made out of wood, similar to all the Songai buildings at the time, but it would pave the way for much more to come.

July 2021 was a spiteful month for players all across Emerald to Emerald. With the Grief Race kicking into action, people were scared to leave their bases, afraid that something may happen to it. The attacks on Spawn District, Bunnytown, and the Staff Building lead people to believe that Castle Town was next. Desperate for as much help as he could get, Kass472 enlisted a player who goes by "Chipper" into the Ravager Republic army. It was a relatively small ceremony in a church in Castle Town where everything when wrong. Chipper walked up the aisle to receive her Ravager Cap, a signature article of clothing for the R.R. military, when DobbyMcWaffle, a YouTuber now suspected to be the leader of the griefing group, set off an explosion. Kass472 said, "I watched in terror as I saw the glass around me shatter and the roof fall from its place. I was in shock and had no idea what to do." When staff members returned to Castle Town, they saw that the entire plateau Castle Town had once rested on, was now nowhere to be seen.

August 2021 As reconstruction work began under the watchful eye of Mindcraftgame, everyone agreed that this was an unforgettable event in Songai history. They decided to rename Castle Town into something more sophisticated. The most popular proposal was "Songia". "Song-" meaning simply songs and "-ia" meaning land (The land of songs). However, Mindcraftgame "Mind" realized that if you switch the A and the I it makes "Songai", or damage in Japanese. Since Songai was heavily damaged during the war, everyone agreed that it fit perfectly.


November 2021 The war was now officially over, and people had more time to focus on building. Songai was getting more and more popular by the day, and the only option was to modernize buildings and make them taller. Everything was pretty much destroyed which left plenty of room, except Midtown. Except for changing out a few materials on a few buildings, there was no real change. Midtown was left pretty much unchanged. . . until now.

It is now June of 2022. The plot only had around 50-100 blocks in total area, but the owner, TruckGuy153, payed 40 Million KassCoins for it. That is equivalent to 120 Million Ragerian Dollars. Also, it is the first building in Songai to be made out of mud. This clocktower will be the first highrise building to stand by Feeling Plaza. It is planned to feature soul fire, mimicking the owner's own home.


Before, many people would not build in the area around Feeling Plaza to protect its historical importance. With a new building moving in, they may see this as an opportunity to build. This could lead to new building codes and regulations. These could affect different parts of the country negatively and positively in different ways. We at the Songai Post, will do our best to keep you updated on what is to come in Midtown and the rest of the server.

Hi! Im Kass472, the lead writer for The Songai Post. Me and my co-worker Mcgeebr80 work hard to bring you the latest news with just the facts, but it is hard to gather that information. If you have anything you would want us to add in our newsletters or noticed a mistake, feel free to contact me with the chat. I would greatly appreciate it.

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